Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 14

Day 14: For the ridiculously bright 6th grader I get to tutor every Thursday evening. Quote of the night?

"I don't really get to watch the news as much as I did last year because I'm so busy with homework."

Thaaat's my Micah.

Last week's "Tutoring Times" writing assignment. Could this girl be any more fabulous? 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 13

Day 13: For colleagues who are truly friends. What a legit awesome team we make.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 12

Day 12: Clarity.

I'm getting there. Back to there, really. And it feels awesome. Also way more complicated than I ever could have expected, but so totally worth it.

So very grateful for those moments when you see the stark reality of where you're stuck - and what you need to do to keep on keepin on.

Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 10 AND 11

Day 10: Blackhawks.

Some days a girl is just thankful for a good hockey game. And win.

Day 11: For the women and men who serve, protect, and have allowed us to embrace freedom and progress.

It's incredible, isn't it? The sacrifices people make for the sake of the rest of us? Their families, too, because it shapes their lives and reality too. Nothing but awe and respect for their selflessness. And inspiration for all the little things that I can do on a daily basis to honor it. The freedom that I have as a women - and can fight to keep in the face of the challenges we face - is something I refuse to take advantage of.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 8 AND 9

For good times (and good wine) with the best friends and family a gal could hope for.

Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 7

Day 7: Coming home to my husband.

This is late. Specifically for the reason above. There is absolutely nothing like coming in from the chilly twilight to the warm glow of home - and a big bear hug from your favorite.

And then? Making dinner together. Let's be honest - he did most of the making. I sliced brussels sprouts. And poured wine. But it's those little domestic things that make a daily routine together so ridiculously magical. Coming home to my husband - I don't think the thrill will wear off any time soon.

November 7th calls for extra gratitude, too: for a first kiss 15 years ago and a proposal I couldn't refuse 12 years later. So very thankful for Kevin - my best friend, my partner, my rock, and my happily ever after.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 5

Day 5: Love and equality getting some ridiculously overdue respect. Hooray Illinois!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 1

Hello, most wonderful time of the year!

30 Days of Thanks, you're on. What has become a favorite November tradition has actually carried over into every day life. I'm not always committed to jotting it down (or, let's get real, tapping it out on my notepad app) but this time of year...this time in feels good to commit. And Lord knows I'm thankful.

Day 1: Beautiful, complicated, inspired fresh starts.

Already Home

I'm home.

You know how sometimes you "misplace" something - your keys or your sunglasses or your phone - and you scramble frantically trying to locate them. You search the obvious places, like your bag or the table or the little glass bowl you specifically placed on the bookshelf for such a purpose. And then you think outside the box a little, because maybe it's in the crisper of your fridge? And then, after pawing through zuchini and a bag of spinach? Then your realize you PHYSICALLY HAVE IT ON YOUR PERSON. Sunglasses on head. Keys in pocket. Phone in hand. 


That metaphor, friends, pretty accurately sums up where my brain and my heart and my life have been in recent memory. I've spent far too long frantically searching for something that was there all along. And it's a humbling realization. It's beautiful and scary and overwhelming, but it feels good. It feels like home.

I'm already home. 

I want to write again, to share and learn and grow. And finally, that feels safe and warm and comfortable.

Just like home.